Instructor, Amba Jeanne Dziewulski:
Jeanne began her formal study and practice of yoga in 2003. She went on to become a certified yoga teacher from Kripalu; her teaching style is slow, deep and gentle, emphasizing concentration on the breath and allowing movement to flow from the breath. She tailors each class to the level of the students participating: sometimes strengthening and vigorous, sometimes gentle and restorative, always attentive, present and accepting. Quiet sitting, breathing and guided relaxation is incorporated into each class.
Jeanne received kundalini awakening from Shri Anandi Ma in 2005 and continues her dedicated immersion in the traditional yogic lifestyle. Her practice includes Patanjali's "eight limb path" of astanga yoga: yamas (restraints), niyamas (observations), asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (the conscious withdrawal from the agitation of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (oneness).